Sleepover club
Unable to commit to conventional fostering or adoption, but would still love some doggie company?

Would you love to help out some of our dogs?
Are you working full-time or not ready to commit to adopting yet?
Interested in weekend fostering?
If yes, our Sleepover Club may be a great fit for you!
So, what’s it all about then? The Sleepover Club is aimed at those who may not be able to commit to adoption or conventional fostering but would still love some doggie company. It is ideal for those who may work long hours during the week but have time in their weekends to give a dog a break from kennels. The potential weekend fosterer will need to come to our Rehoming Centre for multiple visits to get to know the dog that they have been matched with. How many visits will depend on the dog and their progress. Once a bond has been established, the foster carer can then arrange to come and collect their foster dog on their days off. Adventures and sleepovers await!
Our concept of the Sleepover Club has benefits for both dogs and humans.
For our potential foster carers, they will have the joy of sharing their home with a four-legged friend without having the long-term commitment of adoption. For our dogs, these short term stays outside their kennels will help them to form a connection with new people as well as learning what it’s like to live in a home environment. Apart from being a nice break for the dogs, it’s backed by studies! The research shows that dogs spending time out of their kennels and in homes with families enriches their lives tremendously and drops their stress levels. These dogs sleep better and the human interaction they receive improves their overall welfare.
In a home environment, the dogs will be able to acclimatise to everyday items that may be new for them. They can become familiar with things like TV, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, doorbells etc. This will be a big help to them when they hopefully find their forever homes. Also, the feedback from these temporary foster carers will give our Rehoming team valuable insight into how the dogs behave in the home so we can match them with their ideal adopter.

What do I need to become a foster carer for the Sleepover Club?
You need to be over the age of 18 with access to dog-friendly transport, and have no children living in your home or …
How can I foster if I work full time?
If you have any free time available to give to one of our dogs, we would love your help. On your days off, you will be …
What is an Underdog?
An Underdog is a dog who has been in our care for 6 months or more. These dogs unfortunately get fewer adoption …
How do I become a foster carer?
The first step is to complete a fostering application form. If you have already applied to become a foster carer, …
What supplies do I need to be a foster carer?
We will advise you on everything you will need when we match you with a suitable dog. All our foster dogs go home with …
What are the benefits of fostering an Underdog?
Being a foster carer gives you all the joy of adopting a rescue dog without the long-term commitment. It’s perfect for …
Can I choose the dog I want to foster for the Sleepover Club from the website?
There are only a select few dogs that we are looking to match with foster carers on the Sleepover Club. Our Foster …
Can I adopt my foster dog if I fall in love with him/her?
Under our usual foster programme, foster carers always have first choice to adopt their foster dog.
Our adoption fee …
How long are dogs fostered for?
Once you start to take your dog on sleepovers, we will monitor the dog’s behaviour closely on return. Once the dog is …
Why would you stop a dog going on sleepovers?
Some dogs can become so attached and love your home so much that they can become stressed when they return to the …
If my dog gets adopted, can I meet a new dog?
Yes! We would love your feedback to help us match a dog to their forever home. If your foster dog is adopted, we will …
Do I have to live in Dublin to foster?
No! However, an Underdog will require multiple meets in the rehoming centre in Finglas, so you must be willing to …
Do you need to have a secure garden to foster a dog?
No. If you do not have a secure garden, we will only match a dog that would suit that environment. All of dogs will …
Why does someone need to be at home a lot?
Some of the Underdogs have been in our care a long time and although they are alone in kennel, we do not know how they …
Can I eventually keep my dog home while I go to work?
We do not know how the Underdogs will feel in a new home which is why we need you at home to make it easier for them. …
Why do I need to be able to drive to your Dublin Rehoming Centre?
If you are based in the greater Dublin area, we require foster carers to be able to drive to the centre. This is so …
Can I foster if I already have a dog?
Yes. Some of our dogs would love a pal, but it is a case-by-case basis and the foster coordinator will do their best …
Are the dogs housetrained?
We do not always know the history of our dogs before they come into our care, and they may currently be living in a …
Can I foster if I have children?
Most of the dogs in the Sleepover Club have been living in a kennel environment for quite some time, so a foster home …