Tube treasure time

Brooke at Darlington Rehoming Centre using agility equipment outdoors in the secure paddock

Dogs are social, intelligent and active animals so it’s important to give them opportunities to exercise their bodies and minds.

Enrichment games, like tube treasure time, are a great way to do this – and the best part is, you can make it yourself with inexpensive items. Your dog can sniff and search out treats hidden in the tubes.

Our coaches at Dog School recommend using these tactile creations to keep dogs content and occupied.

What you'll need to play tube treasure time

  • The inner tubes of toilet rolls 
  • Some kibble or dry treats

How to do it

  1. Fold over the end of an empty toilet roll tube so that the treats don't fall out when you put them in. Or you could scrunch up some spare paper to block the ends. 
  2. Drop a few treats in and then fold up the top or stop with more paper
  3. Repeat this with each tube and then give them to your dog to get the treats out!

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