Pumpkin spice pup-cup

Treat your pup to an autumnal treat that'll spice up their life.

Photo of some pumpkin spiced pup-cups, one in a small yellow cup and a larger one in an orange cup. Autumn leaves in red, orange and yellow and small pumpkins, decorate the table.

With Autumn well in season and Howl-oween just on the way, there is no reason why our dogs can't join in the festivities, and this recipe will definitely get them in the spirit.

Pumpkin spice pup-cup recipe


  • ½ cup of lactose-free, low-fat yoghurt

  • ½ cup of lactose-free, low-fat whipping cream

  • 1 cooking pumpkin

  • Cinnamon to sprinkle


  1. Peel your pumpkin and remove all seeds
  2. Cut into small pieces
  3. Steam for 15 minutes
  4. Mash until smooth
  5. Let cool
  6. Once cool, mix a tablespoon of pumpkin with the yoghurt 
  7. Add the mixture to a paper cup
  8. Whip your cream and add to your pup-cup
  9. Sprinkle cinnamon over the top!
Photo of a Golden Retriever dog looking at a pumpkin spice pup-cup being held in someone's hands.

Sometimes low-fat foods contain sweeteners that can be dangerous to dogs. Make sure the ingredients you use do not contain Xylitol. 

Some dogs could have sensitivities to the ingredients, so these might not be suitable for all pooches. If you’re concerned about giving your dog new foods speak to your vet.

Please note: food enrichment should be fed to your dog in moderation and included in your dog's daily calorie intake. We recommend checking with your vet about new ingredients before adding to your dog’s diet. 

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