Muffin tin munchies

Crossbreed enjoying 121 training at dog school

Dogs are social, intelligent and active animals so it’s important to give them opportunities to exercise their bodies and minds.

Enrichment games, like muffin tin munchies, are a great way to do this – and the best part is, you can make it yourself with inexpensive items. Your dog can sniff and search out treats hidden in the muffin tin.

Our coaches at Dog School recommend using these tactile creations to keep dogs content and occupied.


Please note: food enrichment should be fed to your dog in moderation and included in your dog's daily calorie intake. We recommend checking with your vet about new ingredients before adding to your dog’s diet. 

What you'll need to play muffin tin munchies

  • Muffin tin
  • Tennis ball, or tennis sized balls
  • Kibble or dog treats

How to do it

  1. Sprinkle kibble or treats into the tin 
  2. Cover with tennis balls 
  3. Let you dog figure it out!

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