How to make a snuffle mat for your dog

This fun activity is easy and cheap to make. It’ll keep your dog content while they sniff out the hidden treats.

A border terrier finds treats hidden in a snuffle mat

Dogs are social, intelligent and active animals so it’s important to give them opportunities to exercise their bodies and minds.

Enrichment games, like a snuffle mat, are a great way to do this – and the best part is, you can make it yourself with inexpensive items. Your dog can sniff and search out treats hidden in the mat strands.

Our coaches at Dog School recommend using these tactile creations to keep dogs content and occupied.

This simple DIY snuffle mat is easy and cheap to make, portable for days out and machine washable too. Once it's made, hide tiny bits of food in the mat’s fronds, and watch your dog enjoy rooting them out using their nose and brain.

Find out how to make it in our video below – or follow our step-by-step instructions. 

What you'll need to make your snuffle mat

Gather together:

  • a fleecy throw or jumper that you no longer need, or some felt
  • a sharp pair of scissors
  • a rubber shower mat or outdoor rubber mat with holes

How to make your mat

1. Cut the fleece into long strips of about 5cm wide.

Close up of someone's hand holding scissors and cutting felt for a snuffle mat

2. Knot the strips through each hole of the garden mat. The longer the strips, the longer it will take for your dog to find the treats.

Close up of someone's hands tying felt into holes in a rubber mat

3. Keep going to fill in all the holes – it takes a little while to complete.

Close up of someone's hands tying fabric to rubber mat about two-thirds complete

4. When the strands are completed, hide tiny morsels of dog-friendly food among the strands, and then watch your dog have fun snuffling them all out. 

Close up of someone's hand dropping treats into a snuffle mat

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