Hungarian Vizsla

What you need to know about Hungarian Vizslas.

Life Expectancytypically 11+ years
SheddingShort length with moderate shedding

Hungarian Vizslas are medium-sized, typically active dogs originating from Hungary where they were first bred to accompany hunts. Hungarian Vizslas have a short, smooth coat and are usually red, rust, or golden in colour.

Many pup behaviours come naturally to all dogs. Whether that’s a desire to dig or a love of lazing, these can be influenced by different factors like genetics or personal experience.

We’re bringing you the important facts and considerations about Hungarian Vizslas. Could you become a Hungarian Vizsla parent and give one a forever home?

Caring for Hungarian Vizslas

Every dog is different with their own personality and needs. Here are some areas to think about when taking care of a Hungarian Vizsla.

Yellow Dog Cartoon Running

How much exercise does a Hungarian Vizsla need?

Hungarian Vizslas are typically high-energy dogs who need lots of exercise to keep them physically and mentally healthy.

They need daily walks, plus plenty of time and opportunity to explore, burn energy, and pl...

How much food does a Hungarian Vizsla need?

Different Hungarian Vizslas need different amounts of food depending on their:

  • age
  • size
  • activity levels
  • fitness
  • weight.

Dog food packets can serve as a useful gui...

How much grooming does a Hungarian Vizsla need?

Hungarian Vizslas shed moderately. Introduce handling and grooming slowly and in a positive way. This helps your pooch feel more comfortable with it. Grooming is more enjoyable for everyone if your dog feels relaxed a...

What size crate do you need for a Hungarian Vizsla?

In their crate, your dog should be able to comfortably:

  • sit and stand at their full height
  • turn around without touching the edges
  • lie down at full stretch
  • wag their tail.

Health Issues

Before giving a Hungarian Vizsla a forever home, consider any possible health issues. Not every dog experiences them, but it’s important to be prepared.

For more advice on potential health issues for Hungarian V...

Hungarian Vizsla behaviour and training

Although you may have ideas about what Hungarian Vizslas are like, it’s important to remember that every dog is different.

Smiling Yellow Dog Cartoon

Are Hungarian Vizslas easy to train?

You really can teach any dog new tricks. The key is positive learning. Find out what gets your dog’s tail wagging with excitement. Snacks or toys are popular choices, or even lots of praise. Whatever it is, you can us...

What’s the temperament of a Hungarian Vizsla?

Like people, each dog is different with their own individual personality and experience. So, the temperaments of different Hungarian Vizslas vary.

Dogs learn all about the world as they grow from puppies to adul...

Are Hungarian Vizslas good with children?

Each dog’s personality is shaped by their experiences of the world and they respond differently to certain situations.

But there are some universal ways to treat any dog, including Hungarian Vizslas, respectfull...

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Looking for a sprightly pooch to match your energy? Here are some other typically active breeds to put you through your paces in the great outdoors.





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