Afterlife Admin

When your furry friend has passed on, there is sadly some admin for you to carry out which can be very upsetting, as it’s the last thing you want to think about at such a difficult time. Perhaps there is a close friend or family member who might be willing to do it for you, if you find it too difficult.
Firstly, you will need to let your dog’s microchip database know that your dog has passed on, as this is a legal requirement under the Microchipping of Dogs Act 2015.
The microchip database providers in Ireland are:
- Animark
- Fido
- Irish Kennel Club
- Microdog ID Ltd (Irish Coursing Club)
You will also need to let the council who issued your dog licence know that your dog has passed away, so they know not to send a renewal notice.
If your dog passed at home or in an emergency vets, please let your own veterinary practice know so they can update their records. This will save you from getting worming, flea treatment or vaccination reminders you may find upsetting throughout the year.
Then you will need to let your dog’s insurance company know so they can amend your policy if you have more than one dog or cease your insurance if you had one dog.
You may also want to consider posting on social media so your friends and family know. This can be less distressing for some people and can help avoid upsetting face-to-face conversations and you having to explain what happened over and over. It can also be very comforting to see the nice comments about your dog from those who knew and loved them.
Lastly, if you adopted your dog from a rescue organisation like Dogs Trust, you might like to let them know of your dog’s passing so they can update their records and let the people who knew your dog best in the organisation know too. For people who work and volunteer in rescue organisations, many dogs hold special places in our hearts, long after they have been adopted and passed over the rainbow bridge.
Remember to please be kind to yourself at this difficult time and if you haven’t already, please have a read of Dr Sabina Brennan’s advice on coping with the loss of your beloved dog.