Dogs Trust Warns of Canine Obesity Issue in Ireland

Dogs Trust survey reveals only 35% of owners can easily feel their dogs ribs, a sign that dogs are an ideal weight

Black and white dog running in a field wearing Dogs Trust harness and collar
29th April 2024

We are appealing to dog owners to weigh their dogs’ food after a recent survey we carried out found that only 35% of dog owners can easily feel their dogs’ ribs, an indicator that dogs are at ideal weight. 

The survey of 2,400 dog owners also found that 36% guesstimate the weight of their dogs’ food and while 49% use a measuring cup, only 15% weigh their dogs’ meals. 40% of respondents admitted they find it difficult not to share food when their dog begs for it and only 20% said their dog doesn’t beg for food. 

Obesity increases your dog’s risk of arthritis, diabetes and heart disease. We always advise owners to weigh their dogs’ food as measuring cups can be inaccurate and a few extra pieces of kibble a day adds up to a lot of extra calories for a dog over time. Always give treats in moderation and reduce their usual food portions if needed. Generally, no more than 10 per cent of your dog’s diet should be made up of treats. If you’re not sure what a healthy weight is for your dog, how much to feed them or if you think your dog may be overweight, your vet will be able to help you with a feeding and exercise plan.

Niamh Curran-Kelly, Veterinary and Welfare Manager at Dogs Trust Ireland

For more information and advice on dog diet and nutrition, please visit  

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