Our face to face fundraising
Discover all there is to know about our face to face fundraising.

Face to face fundraising is an essential and highly effective part of our fundraising programme. It enables our fundraisers to provide people with an opportunity to learn about the work we do, as well as find as new supporters.
As a publicly-supported charity receiving no government funding, we’re very grateful to all our supporters. Your donations help us continue to provide life-changing care and forever homes for the hundreds of dogs who come through our doors each year.
How to identify our face to face fundraisers
All our fundraisers can be identified by their photographic ID badge and Dogs Trust branded clothing.
We really appreciate every bit of support we receive. You can read more about our fundraising below and if you have any more queries, please email us or call us on 01 879 1000 (option 2) to speak to a member of the Dogs Trust team.
More about our face to face fundraising
Why we do face to face fundraising
Face to face fundraising is crucial to Dogs Trust. We receive no government funding and rely completely on supporter donations to care for hundreds of dogs each year.
Face to face fundraising enables us to meet valued supporters who are committed to giving each month. Regular and reliable support allows us to plan for the future and helps us work towards our goal of a day where all dogs can live life to the full.
Face to face fundraising also allows us to raise awareness of our work on a personal level.
How does it work?
Dogs Trust enlists the help of third party fundraising agencies to help us with our fundraising. We expect the highest standards from all our representatives and are committed to ensuring all our interactions with the public are friendly, positive and professional.
Our fundraisers will ask for an ongoing donation paid monthly via Direct Debit, which is the safest way to set up regular gifts, protecting you and your money by means of the Direct Debit Guarantee.
Dogs Trust and our third party agencies fully adhere to all fundraising principles and practices as directed by the Charities Regulatory Authority and Charities Institute Ireland including the Governance Code for Face to Face Fundraising. All parties are required keep up to date with all relevant directions from these bodies in relation to the practice of Face to Face Fundraising
Do face to face fundraisers accept cash donations?
Our fundraisers do not collect cash, as collection tins can cost us money and time to keep secure and take to the bank safely. We appreciate people wanting to donate in ways other than Direct Debit. If you wish to make a cash or one off donation please visit our donation page.
How we spend your generous donations
We report publicly and in detail, on every euro we receive, through private donations. These are available in our Accounts & Reports on our website for anyone who wishes to view them.
Data Protection information
We take the security of our donors’ personal details extremely seriously. All the personal information you provide to our fundraisers is stored securely. We will never use your personal information without consent, and will never rent, swap or sell your data to other organisations. All our practices are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can find out more by reading our privacy policy.
We welcome all feedback, both good and bad from the public and ensure that we use it to improve our face to face fundraising going forward.
If you have any feedback regarding our fundraisers, please email us or write to us at:
Fundraising Department
Dogs Trust
Ashbourne Road
Dublin 11
Alternatively, you can call us on 01 879 1000 (option 2) to speak to a member of the Dogs Trust team.
Please ensure that you provide as many details as possible (location, description, date, time of day) as we need specific details to fully investigate complaints or feedback.