Adolescent dogs

Adolescence is the developmental stage from puppyhood into adulthood. This can occur at any time from 6 to 12 months of age and last up to 24 months.
Many of the behaviours that your adolescent dog is showing are a natural part of their development. Early intervention is key and if in doubt about any behaviour, please contact Dog School for advice. Remember that you’re not alone.
We have put together some training guidelines for three of the most common behaviours seen in adolescent dogs: jumping up, leave, and loose lead walking.
Remember our dogs are learning all the time and its really important that we understand that. Learning is an ongoing process for you and your canine companion. If you require any extra support please contact us via
Jumping up
Want a more in-depth explanation of teaching your dog not to jump up? You can watch a training video or sign-up for Dog School!
We also have a training video that goes into more detail on the 'Leave!' training cue.
Loose lead walking
Loose lead walking can be a tricky skill to master and takes a lot of patience and practice. Watch our training video on the technique for more tips.